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[xml-dev] Urgently need a reality check on the job market for XMLdevelopment


As I was laid off last Tuesday, I urgently need a reality check on the job market for XML development.  I am hoping members of this list would be willing to share their view on the market for XML developers.


Although I know this list is focused on development issues and not employment related issues, I feel the current economic situation is catching many of us by surprise and I was hoping to develop a brief thread on what the market is really like.  Based on the information I have received from recruiters during the past week, it looks like I may need to consider work outside the computer industry. 


Since I am like many others in that I can not afford to be out of work for very long, I need to make a decision whether looking for XML (or Java work) is even reasonable given the current situation.  I have added a text only format of my resume at the end since I know many do not like attachments.


Thank you in advance


Jerry Murray







Jerry Murray                                        977 Astoria Drive

jmurray@best.com                               Sunnyvale, California 94087



OBJECTIVE:  Obtain an Java / XML Development Position




• Over 22 years experience in all phases from conceptual design, implementation, product delivery and support


• Experience with software development in both small commercial companies and large aerospace programs with multiple subcontractors




• Experience in definition of system requirements, design, implementation, and system performance evaluation


• Experience with Java, JSPs, Servlets, EJBs, JDBC, XML, XSLT, SQL, HTML, and UNIX shell programming


• Experience with Apache, WebLogic, and Oracle in NT and Unix environments.




6/00  to 9/01    Ironplanet,  Campbell, CA

Designed and developed B2B applications using XML to submit requests to a third party and receive results as XML data which was posted to an Oracle database.  Developed applications for receiving XML data by HTTP Post for Linux, NT, and Solaris systems.  Developed JavaMail and Java 2D API applications.  Supported site (http://www.ironplanet.com) capabilities using JSPs in a WebLogic environment.


1/00  to 6/00    iVendor,  Sunnyvale, CA

B2B and B2C applications for iVendor, Inc.  Developed XML based application for exporting eCommerce store category and product information. Develop SAX based application for creating an eCommerce store using XML documents.  Designed a multi-logic product recommendation application using a Web Logic application server and a SQL database. Developed Java application that provide registered shopper information for iVendor's merchants.


4/99  to 11/99  Consulting,  Sunnyvale, CA

Java application for Information Management System providing patient and employee administrative information for a long term care subacute facility. 


12/86 to 4/99   NASA Ames Research Center,  Mountain View, CA

Responsible for software integration support evaluations of the U.S. Army's  Rotorcraft Pilot's Associate Program.  Designed a distributed component-based system for system integration testing and human factor evaluations.  Developed a simulation providing operator and qualitative equipment models for the Army/NASA Aircrew Aircraft Integration Program.  Developed dynamic context sensitive presentation of information concerning the human factors metrics associated with differences resulting from man-machine interface design alternatives.




8/85 to 12/86  GTE Government Systems,  Mountain View, CA

Systems Engineer, Artificial Intelligence Group.    Projects included investigating cooperating expert systems for the U.S. Air Force, development of an expert system for intelligence analysis and advanced user interfaces.


3/80 to 8/85     Aviation Simulation Technology Inc.,  Bedford, MA

Developed software for flight simulators providing scenario generation and real time performance analysis, including user interfaces and voice digitization.


4/78 to 3/80     Masoneilan International, Inc., Norwood, MA

Product planner for a $4M industrial product line. Designed a timed-phased manufacturing planning program for a $12M product group which presented information in a temporal context.




"Content and Media Analysis for Intelligent Helmet Mounted

            Displays", Society of Optical Engineering, Orlando, FL, 1997

"Object-Oriented Programming in the Development of Real-Time

            Rotorcraft Simulations",  1992 [SCS} European Simulation

            Symposium, Dresden, Germany, 1992

"Integrating Multiple Expert Systems In Intelligent Crew

            Stations",  I.I.T.T. Expert Systems Applications Conference,

            Los Angeles, 1991.

"Automation in Complex Man-Machine Systems:  The Role of Planning

            in Evaluating Design Alternatives", The AAAI Workshop on Automated

            Planning for Complex Domains, Eight National Conference on

            Artificial Intelligence, Boston, MA., 1990




UCSC, Santa Clara, CA                     

            Advanced Java Programming, 

            Object Oriented Programming in Java, 

            Object Orient Analysis,

            Java Programming 2, 

            Java Graphical User Interface Programming

            Using AWT, AFC, and Swing

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

            Autonomous Agents, Computer Systems

UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

            Advanced AI, Data Fusion                      

Northeastern University, Boston, MA              

            C, Lisp, AI, Expert Systems, 

            Knowledge Engineering

Norwich University, Northfield, VT

            B.S. Bus. Admin.




Major, Aviation Branch , U.S. Army

Active Duty: 8/72 - 2/77      Helicopter Pilot / Instructor Pilot

Reserves:      3/77 - Present   Served in Medevac,  Attack Helicopter, 

Air Cav, and Utility units