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   [xml-dev] OT: Research Survey on Content-Driven Applications

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CAP Ventures is conducting a survey on content-driven applications such as
content management, digital asset management, document management and
portals. The purpose of this survey is to better understand industry usage
patterns and technology requirements to help drive product development
initiatives and provide insights for end user technology planning.

The questionnaire will only take a few minutes to complete, and in exchange
for your comments we will include you in a drawing for fifty (50) twenty
dollar ($20) gift certificates to Barnes and Noble.com. We will also send
all participants a link to a summary of the findings and a free three month
subscription to CAP Ventures news and analysis on document technology
issues, vendors and standards.

Please note that all responses will be aggregated. We respect your opinion
and your privacy! To participate, just click on this link (or copy it into
your browser's address space) and follow the instructions.

The survey link is:

Thank you for your participation!


Leonor Ciarlone
Senior Consultant
CAP Ventures

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