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   RE: [xml-dev] JAXP's ID Transform failing to include namespacedeclaratio

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At 10:52 AM -0800 1/4/02, Evan Lenz wrote:

>First of all, the DTD shouldn't be included in the result, because an
>identity transform in XSLT does not preserve DTDs (since they're not a part
>of the XPath data model).

I can believe that, and if necessary I can live with it. It's not 
100% clear that the ID transform described in JAXP is an XSLT 
transform though. It's not configured with any particular stylesheet.

>Secondly, the missing namespace *is* a problem, but I suspect that's due to
>the DOMImlementation, rather than the Transformer object per se. I've run
>into this problem before, and I can't say I remember what the solution was.
>Someone expert in DOM should probably chime in here. You may need to set
>some flag regarding namespaces.

According to the DOM2 Core spec, DOM is specifically *not* supposed 
to insert namespace declaration Attr objects into the tree just 
because a namespace is used on an element somewhere. Nor is the user 
required to provide such attributes. However, anything that 
serializes a DOM Document *is* supposed to figure out if any 
additional namespace declaration attributes are required to produce 
namespace well-formed XML and insert them where necessary.

At this point, I suspect if there is a bug it lies in StreamResult. I 
think Streamresult is seeing namespaced things but not making any 
efforts to add any necessary xmlns attributes to match.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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