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   Re: [xml-dev] RDDL (was RE: [xml-dev] Negotiate Out The Noise)

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At 10:44 PM +0100 1/20/02, Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
>Which assumes that you don't send a big document with all translation and
>expect the client to make sense of all the xml:lang attributes. So either
>you keep the translations separate, list all the translation by
>xml:lang-qualified XLinks and let the server fetch the proper translated
>documentation on demand through the HTTP mechanisms, or you do have this big
>document with all possible translations, and the server has to cut all
>content which has not the proper xml:lang mark. I believe the first solution
>is better, but this poses the problem that pointer the browser to a RDDL URL
>won't immediatly give you a readable documentation (since all human-readable
>doc would be external to the root RDDL doc).

No, that's not how it works at all. Users set their language 
preferences using the browser's GUI. When the browser makes a request 
it includes information about the user's preferred languages in order 
of preference. For example,

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.example.com
Accept-Language: en, fr, la, he

The server reads that and returns the correct document. Exactly how 
you configure the server to do this is implementation-dependent, but 
it's all on the server side so that's not really important.

On other words, the browser makes one request and receives one 
response. No additional redirection is required. The user gets the 
right document immediately (or at least as immediately as anything 
else on the web. The extra time on the server to negotiate the 
language is typically negligible.)

Note that this is all standard (if little-known) HTTP, not specifically RDDL.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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