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   RE: [xml-dev] xml/XSL and javascript form issue

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  • To: "Rochester, Dean" <Dean.Rochester@ProMedica.org>
  • Subject: RE: [xml-dev] xml/XSL and javascript form issue
  • From: "Manos Batsis" <m.batsis@bsnet.gr>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 16:14:33 +0200
  • Cc: "XML DEV" <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
  • Thread-index: AcHBKdueLEjuLt8JRsyg4ZHT857QlwAATIgA
  • Thread-topic: [xml-dev] xml/XSL and javascript form issue

'all' is a reserved word in IE (document.all). You cannot give the name
'all' to a variable.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rochester, Dean [mailto:Dean.Rochester@ProMedica.org] 
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 4:04 PM
> To: Xml-Dev (E-mail)
> Subject: [xml-dev] xml/XSL and javascript form issue
> Thanks for you suggestion to the xslt list.
> The html on the page does work.  It shows me the form, I can 
> work with it,
> etc.  The only thing
> I can not do is in my javascript, I want to walk through all the forms
> elements and look for ones
> which have a certain class value and then make a check of 
> their value.   
> function editTab(elClass)  {
>    var form1 = document.forms[0];
>    var elemClass = elClass;
>    var all = form1.getElementsByTagName('*');
>    var elements = new Array();
>    for (var e = 0; e < all.length; e++){
>        if (all[e].className == elemClass)
>           elements[elements.length] = all[e];
>    }
>    if(elemClass == "demo") {
>      document.writeln("<br>elements.length = " + 
> elements.length + "</br>");
>      document.writeln("<br>elemClass = " + elemClass + "</br>");
>      document.writeln("<br>all.length = " + all.length + "</br>");
>      // the rest of this function has not been included
>    }
> }
> This script is in an XML file that calls a style sheet 
> containing the html
> for the forms elements.
> The xml file also contains the form tags.  In the above 
> script I can get the
> name of the form  mainform, but not a list 
> of the elements.  Below is the section of the same xml file 
> that shows the
> form section.  Below that is a section of the view source 
> from the page that
> comes up.  I can change values in the form, etc, but it does 
> not let me get
> the list of elements to get the ones with a certain classname.
> <!--<body OnLoad="placeFocus()">-->
> <body onload="init()">
>     <form name="mainform" METHOD="post"
>     	        onSubmit="return doSubmit()"
> ACTION="/promed/servlet/promedica.AppDriver?opt=flow.GatherGuarInfo2">
>           <xsl:call-template name="banner" />
>           <div id="tabs">
>             <span id="tab1" class="tab">
>             <font color="red">(X)</font>
>             Demographics</span>
>             <span id="tab2" class="tab">
>             <font color="red">(X)</font>
>             Next of Kin</span>
>             <span id="tab3" class="tab">
>             <font color="red">(X)</font>
>             Visit</span>
>             <span id="tab4" class="tab">
>             <font color="red">(X)</font>
>             Guarantor</span>
>             <span id="tab5" class="tab">
>             <font color="red">(X)</font>
>             Insurance</span>
>             <input type="submit" name="save"
>             value="Complete Registration" />
>           </div>
>           <div id="content1" class="content">
>             <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0"
>             cellpadding="0">
>               <xsl:apply-templates
>               select="/Display/datamap/error" /> 
>               <xsl:apply-templates
>               select="/Display/Demographics" /> 
>             </table>
>           </div>
>           <div id="content2" class="content">
>             <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0"
>             cellpadding="0">
>               <xsl:apply-templates select="/Display/Next_of_kin" />
>             </table>
>           </div>
>           <div id="content3" class="content">
>             <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0"
>             cellpadding="0">
>               <xsl:apply-templates select="/Display/Visit" />
>             </table>
>           </div>
>           <div id="content4" class="content">
>             <table width="550" border="0" cellspacing="0"
>             cellpadding="0">
>               <xsl:variable name="gtype"
>               select="/Display/datamap/guarSelect" />
>               <xsl:choose>
>                 <xsl:when test="$gtype='1'">
>                   <xsl:apply-templates
>                   select="/Display/GuarantorSelf" />
>                 </xsl:when>
>                 <xsl:otherwise>
>                   <xsl:apply-templates
>                   select="/Display/Guarantor" />
>                 </xsl:otherwise>
>               </xsl:choose>
>             </table>
>           </div>
>           <div id="content5" class="content">
>             <table width="550" border="0" cellspacing="0"
>             cellpadding="0">
> <!-- Content -->
>               <xsl:variable name="itype"
>               select="/Display/datamap/InsuranceType" />
>               <xsl:choose>
>                 <xsl:when test="$itype='blue'">
>                   <xsl:apply-templates
>                   select="/Display/InsuranceBlue" />
>                 </xsl:when>
>                 <xsl:when test="$itype='comm'">
>                   <xsl:apply-templates
>                   select="/Display/InsuranceComm" />
>                 </xsl:when>
>                 <xsl:when test="$itype='care'">
>                   <xsl:apply-templates
>                   select="/Display/InsuranceCare" />
>                 </xsl:when>
>                 <xsl:when test="$itype='self'">
>                   <xsl:apply-templates
>                   select="/Display/InsuranceSelf" />
>                 </xsl:when>
>                 <xsl:otherwise>
>                   <xsl:apply-templates
>                   select="/Display/InsuranceHMO" />
>                 </xsl:otherwise>
>               </xsl:choose>
>             </table>
>           </div>
>         </form>
> <!--xsl:call-template name="footer"/-->
>       </body>
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <?xml:stylesheet type="text/xsl"
> href="http://promed/xsl/3MMPIDisplayTabsJun.xsl";?>
> <Display>
> <Demographics>
> 	      <TR>
> 	        <TD valign="top" width="100%" colspan="3">
> 	        <TABLE cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0">
> 	          <TBODY>
> 	            <TR>
> 	              <TD>
> 	              <H1 id="largesans">MPI Information</H1>
> 	              <TABLE border="2" bgcolor="lightblue">
> 	                <TBODY>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD bgcolor="yellow">Selected</TD>
> 	                    <TD bgcolor="yellow" id="sanspre"><span
> source="Patient_Last_Name"/>, <span 
> source="Patient_First_Name"/> <span
> source="Patient_Initial"/>   Unit #:<span source="UnitNum"/>  
>  MRN:<span
> source="toMRN"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Patient Name">Name</TD>
> 	                    <TD>
> 	                    	<TABLE border="1" 
> bordercolor="lightblue">
> 	                    	  <TR>
> 	                          <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> id="Patient_First_Name" name="Patient_First_Name" size="24" 
> title="Patient
> First Name" maxlength="24" source="Patient_First_Name" edit="c(rq)"
> onChange="checkIt('Demographics')"/></TD>
> 	      				    <TD><INPUT class="demo"
> type="text" name="Patient_Initial" size="24" title="Patient 
> Middle Initial"
> maxlength="24" source="Patient_Initial"/></TD>
> 	                          <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="Patient_Last_Name" size="24" title="Patient Last Name" 
> maxlength="24"
> source="Patient_Last_Name" edit="c(rq)"
> onChange="checkIt('Demographics')"/></TD>
> 	                        </TR>
> 	                      </TABLE>
> 	                    </TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Patient Sex">Sex</TD>
> 	                    <TD>
> 	                    	<TABLE border="1" 
> bordercolor="lightblue">
> 	                    	  <TR>
> 	      					  <TD><select 
> class="demo"
> name="Sex" source="Sex" edit="c(rq)"
> onChange="checkIt('Demographics')"/></TD>
> 	      					  <TD>DOB<INPUT 
> class="demo"
> type="text" name="Patient_DOB" source="Patient_DOB" size="10" 
> title="Patient
> Date of Birth" edit="c(rq)dt(ccyymmdd)"
> onChange="checkIt('Demographics')"/></TD>
> 	      					  <TD>SSN<INPUT 
> class="demo"
> type="text" name="SSN" source="SSN" size="11" title="Patient 
> Social Security
> Number" maxlength="11" edit="c(nr)f(NNN-NN-NNNN)"/></TD>
> 	                        </TR>
> 	                      </TABLE>
> 	                    </TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Patient Address Line 
> 1">Address</TD>
> 	                    <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="Street1" source="Street1" size="31" title="Patient 
> Address Line 1"
> maxlength="31"/>
> 	                    <INPUT class="demo" type="text" 
> name="Street2"
> source="Street2" size="31" title="Patient Address Line 2"
> maxlength="31"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD></TD>
> 	                    <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text" 
> name="City"
> source="City" size="30" title="City" maxlength="30"/>
> 	                        <select class="demo" source="States"
> name="State"/>
> 	                        <INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="PostCode" source="PostCode" size="10" title="Zip" 
> maxlength="10"/>
> 	                        </TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Country">Country</TD>
> 	                    <TD>Country<select class="demo" 
> source="Country"
> name="Country" title="Country"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Home Phone">Home</TD>
> 	                    <TD>
> 	                    	<TABLE border="1" 
> bordercolor="lightblue">
> 	                    	  <TR>
> 	      		              <TD><INPUT class="demo" 
> type="text"
> name="Local_Area_Code" source="Local_Area_Code" size="3" 
> title="Home Area
> Code" maxlength="3" edit="c(nr)f(NNN)"/></TD>
> 	      		              <TD><INPUT class="demo" 
> type="text"
> name="Local_Number" source="Local_Number" size="8" title="Home Phone"
> maxlength="8" edit="c(nr)f(NNN-NNNN)"/></TD>
> 	      		              <TD>Work<INPUT class="demo"
> type="text" name="Work_Area_Code" source="Work_Area_Code" size="3"
> title="Work Area Code" maxlength="3" edit="c(nr)f(NNN)"/></TD>
> 	      		              <TD><INPUT class="demo" 
> type="text"
> name="Work_Number" source="Work_Number" size="8" title="Work Phone"
> maxlength="8" edit="c(nr)f(NNN-NNNN)"/></TD>
> 	                        </TR>
> 	                      </TABLE>
> 	                    </TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Race">Race</TD>
> 	                    <TD><select class="demo" source="Race"
> name="RaceCid"/>
> 	                    Marital Status<select class="demo"
> source="MaritalStatus" name="Patient_Marital_Status"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Religion">Religion</TD>
> 	                    <TD><select class="demo" source="Religion"
> name="Patient_Religion"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Mother's Maiden Name">Maiden
> Name</TD>
> 	                    <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="PatientLastNamePrev" source="PatientLastNamePrev" size="24"
> title="Mother's Maiden Name" maxlength="24"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                </TBODY>
> 	              </TABLE>
> 	              <H1 id="largesans">Employer Information</H1>
> 	              <TABLE border="2" bgcolor="lightblue">
> 	                <TBODY>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Employer">Employer</TD>
> 	                    <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="Employer" source="Employer" size="24" title="Employer"
> maxlength="24"/>
> 	      				Occupation<INPUT class="demo"
> type="text" name="Occupation" source="Occupation" size="30"
> title="Occupation" maxlength="30"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Employer Address Line 
> 1">Address</TD>
> 	                    <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="Employer_Address1" source="Employer_Address1" size="31"
> title="Employer Address Line 1" maxlength="31"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD></TD>
> 	                    <TD><INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="Employer_City" source="Employer_City" size="30" 
> title="Employer City"
> maxlength="30"/>
> 	                    <select class="demo" source="States"
> name="Employer_State" title="Employer State"/>
> 	                    <INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="Employer_Zip" source="Employer_Zip" size="10" 
> title="Employer Zip"
> maxlength="10"/></TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                  <TR>
> 	                    <TD title="Employment Status">Employment
> Status</TD>
> 	                    <TD><select class="demo"
> source="EmploymentStatus" name="Employment_Status"/>
> 	                        ID<INPUT class="demo" type="text"
> name="Employee_ID" source="Employee_ID" size="10" title="Employee ID"
> maxlength="10"/>
> 	                    </TD>
> 	                  </TR>
> 	                </TBODY>
> 	              </TABLE>
> 	      		</TD>
> 	      	  </TR>
> 	      	</TBODY>
> 	        </TABLE>
> 	        </TD>
> 	      </TR>
> </Demographics>
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance
> Dean-O
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> The xml-dev list is sponsored by XML.org <http://www.xml.org>, an
> initiative of OASIS <http://www.oasis-open.org>
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