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At 1:03 PM -0800 3/6/02, Michael Brennan wrote:
>I'm not familiar with this specific workshop. However, ObjectWatch has
>historically been an unequivocal partisan on the side of Microsoft in the MS
>vs. Java wars, as has Roger Sessions. I've looked over the slides at
>ObjectWatch's site and it appears to be more of the same, combined with a
>rather feeble attempt at an enterprise architecture.
>One of the challenges that software engineers have always faced is finding
>sound guidance from those who don't have hidden agendas. That's proved
>impossible, so the practical route is to listen to the partisans, but take
>everything with a grain of salt and listen to the opposing views, as well.
>Then make your own judgment. Realistically, though, J2EE and .NET will
>coexist in most real world enterprises, so finding the right way to bridge
>them in the enterprise is important.
There's a common fallacy that equates advocacy, strong opinions, and
partisanship with bias. They're not at all the same thing. I don't
know Sessions personally, and I often disagree with him vehemently,
but I see little evidence that he is biased in a way that would
indicate a hidden agenda. As far as I know Sessions is not paid by
Microsoft, and has no vested interest in seeing that Microsoft
technologies beat their competitors. He has the views he does and
expresses the positions he does because he believes them.
By way of contrast, Microsoft trainers espousing similar viewpoints
would not be as trustworthy. I would assume they were saying what
they said because they were paid to say precisely that, not because
they believed it or had come to these positions base don their
experience and research. For similar reasons, I would expect
observers to treat my views of Java with less salt than they would
use when hearing the same arguments from Sun employees.
| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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