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   help in processing compositor's in XML Schema?

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  • To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Subject: help in processing compositor's in XML Schema?
  • From: Bill Riegel <BRiegel@lgc.com>
  • Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:48:22 -0600
  • Return-receipt-to: Bill Riegel <BRiegel@lgc.com>

I am trying to define the following in a XML Schema. I would like the
elements , header1, header2, and header3 to be un-ordered within themselves
and child1 and child2 to be un-undered within themselves. but I would like
to define that the header's occur before the child's. 

Without introducing more tags, Is there a way to do this ??


Bill Riegel
Landmark Graphics
Phone: 713-839-3388


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