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   RE: [xml-dev] MSXML DOM Special Chars Less Than 32

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> From: Michael Kay [mailto:michael.h.kay@ntlworld.com]
> Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 3:19 PM
> To: 'Joshua Allen'; 'Rick Jelliffe'; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: RE: [xml-dev] MSXML DOM Special Chars Less Than 32
> > Why would someone want to use XML if they need to transmit illegal
> > characters?
> A: "I want to replicate my WebDAV configuration. I want to do 
> this by encoding all the WebDAV properties in an XML file and 
> transmitting that over the network".
> B: "You can't represent WebDAV properties in XML, because they 
> can contain characters that XML doesn't support"

Actually, I'd rephrase that as:

When defined as "plain text", a WebDAV property *by definition* can't have
values outside the allowed XML character range. Where we (WebDAV server
developers) get in trouble is when in reality, the WebDAV server is just a
protocol adapter to some kind of back end system, which is NOT XML-based.

Inevitably, we'll have to find an escaping format which is XML 1.0
compliant, cheap and generally accepted. As this problem happens with
XML-RPC and SOAP as well, it would be nice to have a single, widely accepted

Some of the requirements are:

- the format of strings that *can* be represented as XML characters doesn't
- non-XML characters must be ignored by implementations not knowing the
escaping mechanism


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