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   RE: [xml-dev] SOAP and the Web

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> From: Simon St.Laurent [mailto:simonstl@simonstl.com]
> > But an URI with an HTTP GET isn't XML.
> I think you have a very strange notion of what XML is.

When constructing a message, if I should not have to choose between
building an XML document and encoding the same information in an URL
with query string parameters. I should be able to do the same thing all
the time for every message.

> I'm sorry, Mike.  I asked for a technical defense of SOAP.  This is
> a feature-list with no comparison to other technical alternatives.  I
> send messages whose entire content is "still just XML" all the time,
> quite happily, with no SOAP suds.

OK. First, we should be clear about exactly what is being compared here.
Are we comparing SOAP to the ad-hock sending XML messages? Are we
comparing SOAP to DCOM, CORBA, or other RPC protocols? Are we comparing
SOAP to a more RESTful methodology?

  == Mike ==

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