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   Re: [xml-dev] XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0 - Assumptions

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At 9:47 AM -0700 5/12/02, Dare Obasanjo wrote:
. It is
>>  also flexible enough
>>  >to query a broad spectrum of XML information
>>  sources, including both
>>  >databases and documents. ... XQuery is derived from
>>  an XML query
>>  >language called Quilt [Quilt], which in turn
>>  borrowed features from
>>  >several other languages, including XPath 1.0 [XPath
>>  1.0], XQL [XQL],
>>  >XML-QL [XML-QL], SQL [SQL], and OQL [ODMG]."
>>  >
>>  I always understood that to refer to native XML
>>  databases. I never
>>  thought it meant traditional relational databases.
>>  And that says
>>  nothing about querying objects.
>SQL - relational databases
>OQL - object oriented databases

Certainly, the XQuery work learned from object query languages, but I 
never expected it to be used to query object databases anymore than 
relational databases. For instance, one important principal to learn 
from SQL is that declarative languages are good things. That's 
completely different from saying we must use tables and rows, or that 
the language we implement is a superset of SQL. We already have SQL. 
We don't need to reinvent it.

We need an XML query language, not a relational query language or an 
object query language. If the working group is really trying to 
develop combination XML/Relational/Object query language, then that 
explains a lot.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
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