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   It's Baaaacccckkkkkk!!!! Relative URIs in namespaces claw their wayout

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  • To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
  • Subject: It's Baaaacccckkkkkk!!!! Relative URIs in namespaces claw their wayout of the grave?
  • From: Mike Champion <mc@xegesis.org>
  • Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002 14:56:27 -0400


> From: "Tim Berners-Lee" <timbl@w3.org>
> I think we should establish at the strong SHOULD level that
> relative URIs should/must be allowed in a syntax wherever
> absolute ones are.

> The only example I can think of where they are not
> allowed (xmlns) was shown to be a problem at our Hawaii
> tag face-face

[For those lucky souls that weren't around for the first 
iteration of this debate from Hell, for which the W3C setup
a special mailing list to handle, see the voluminous
archives starting at
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xml-uri/2000May/ ]


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