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   Re: [xml-dev] data types

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At 02:53 PM 7/9/2002 -0400, Mike Champion wrote:
>7/9/2002 2:05:15 PM, Jonathan Robie 
><jonathan.robie@datadirect-technologies.com> wrote:

> >>Now, I am parsing xml file using DOM. How can I get the data type for year,
> >>month etc?????
> >
> >Whose DOM are you using?
>It doesn't matter, there is no straightforward, standard way to
>access this information.

But Mike, this guy is trying to write a program, he has a specific DOM 
implementation, and he needs to get at the types. I don't think he wants to 
wait for new standards to be written. If this is a list for XML developers, 
his question is certainly in scope.

>Proprietary DOM extensions (probably Microsoft's, perhaps Apache's) may 
>"DOM" APIs to access the type information in the PSVI, but applications which
>use these APIs will not work with other implementations.  Use them if they
>work for you, but use them with caution.
>The possibility of the next major version of the DOM supporting the PSVI is
>under consideration inside the W3C; members may wish to look into this issue
>and make sure that their opinion is registered ... I don't think I can be
>more explicit due to the confidentiality guidelines, sorry.

I agree with everything you say, but...

According to private email, he is trying to do this with Xerces DOM, Level 
2. I haven't been programming with this API - does anyone know offhand if 
there is a way for him to access the type of an element?



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