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   Re: [xml-dev] The general XML processing problem

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Simon St.Laurent wrote:

>Mike Champion wrote:
>>So, I think I'm with Joe: Documents shouldn't specify how they are to
>>be used, they should be embedded in a process that specifies how
>>specific documents are to be used.  Even the aircraft maintenance
>>manual should be driven by a process that specifies when bits of text
>>are to be validated against what rules; an individual document may be
>>re-used, the schemas evolved, etc. 
>What's interesting to me about this discussion is the separation of the
>information in the XML document from the processing it will receive.
>Although the creators and senders of that document may have their own
>expectations about how that document will be processed, there is nothing
>intrinsic to the XML which binds it to particular processing.
Curious that the tree syntax of XML (at least if you have "well-formed" 
XML) is not seen as a processing requirement. You can process 
non-"well-formed"  XML documents via SAX (or your MOE) that simply ducks 
the question of why require the tree syntax for validity in the first 
place? Isn't that a processing requirement as well?

Shouldn't processing decide what markup it wants to use and how it wants 
to use it?



Patrick Durusau
Director of Research and Development
Society of Biblical Literature


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