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   Re: RE: [xml-dev] XML Infosets and SOAP 1.2

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7/22/2002 10:53:25 AM, "Naresh Agarwal" <nagarwal@in.firstrain.com> wrote:

>What would the XML Infoset of the above SOAP Envelope look like??

Parse it with DOM, JDOM, etc. and then you can treat the elements, attributes, 
namespaces, etc. as "information items" 

>What would we achieve representing this as a XML Infoset?

Abstraction away from the details of the syntax, some of which are irrelevant.

>Quoting from SOAP 1.2, Part 1, Section 4.2 -
>Does this mean that SOAP XML Infoset can contain *some thing extra* in addition to 
SOAP Envelope?

Well, the actual payload of course, which SOAP knows essentially nothing about.

But the intent of this section of the spec (as I understand it) is to say that a 
"binding" to an underlying protocol, e.g. HTTP, must preserve this information. It 
can add more information that the protocol itself needs, but it can't take away 
information that was in the SOAP envelope's Infoset representation. So, it can 
ignore any aspects of the XML syntax such as CDATA sections that don't show through 
to the infoset.


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