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   Re: [xml-dev] DNS based URIs that don't imply access method

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On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 06:06:18PM +0200, Danny Ayers wrote:
>The zen of URIs? They're uniform and identify resources - what more is
>there...and what is all this bother?
>Leveraging a URL into use as a namespace identifier has at least two
>benefits - uniqueness is easier to maintain, and it's possible to use the
>URL to provide more information about the namespace.

Yup.  After all, I can write:

That identifies two different resources.  Really, really useful.  Obvious to
anyone, as well.

Now, if one of those was just a capitalization typo instead, then that
wouldn't work at all well with the namespaces specification.  But that's
okay, because nobody ever writes dns names with variant capitalization, even
by accident.

Amelia A. Lewis       amyzing@talsever.com      alicorn@mindspring.com
So what is love then?  Is it dictated or chosen?  Does it sing like the 
hymns of a thousand years or is it just pop emotion?  And if it ever was 
here and it left does it mean it was never true?
                -- Emily Saliers


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