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   Re: [xml-dev] limits of the generic

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>> The algorithm in the W3C XML Schema Datatypes Recommendation adds
>> the year/month component first (which would give 2005-02-29), then
>> "pins" the result of that to give a legal date (i.e. 2005-02-28),
>> and then adds the day and time components of the duration (to give
>> the final answer of 2005-03-01).
> Which Astonishes me (as in Principle of Least Astonishment). I would
> have expected a year after 2-29 to be 3-1.

Well, as you know, there's lots Astonishing about W3C XML Schema.
Perhaps my problem is that I'm no longer so Astonished by W3C XML
Schema and that makes me Astonished by XPath 2.0...



Jeni Tennison


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