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On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 18:07, Uche Ogbuji wrote:
stuff to read more carefully skiped...
> Indeed. As I mentioned to you the other day, I think all XVIF needs is a
> binding for results of the if:pipe in terms of all the XPath data types, not
> just boolean as currently defined. Therefore validates would tend to map to
> boolean, transforms to node sets or strings, etc. Again shouldn't bee too
> terribly hard compared to what has gone before.
No, it seems feasable. The only point I think we must be carefull is to
keep -at that stage- xvif pretty minimal. I am quite happy to have done
that amount of features with only 4 elements (if:pipe, if:transform,
if:validate and if:apply) and I think that we must keep for the moment
to this level of elementary features.
When our ideas will get clearer, we will be able to add shortcuts (like
Relax NG has done) for the most usefull or frequent combinations of
elementary features but I think we're not there yet.
The next elementary features I am considering for addition are
if/then/else blocks which would also work as try/catch blocks but I have
also competing priorities (such as an increased support of Relax NG and
of W3C XML Schema datatypes, a standalone version and the support of
Rendez-vous a Paris (Forum XML).
Eric van der Vlist http://xmlfr.org http://dyomedea.com
(W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1 http://oreilly.com/catalog/xmlschema