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   Re: [xml-dev] heritage (was Re: [xml-dev] SGML on the Web)

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W. E. Perry scripsit:

> The Infoset is an incomplete (as its editor continues
> to admit, I believe) abstraction derived from the syntactic possibilities
> permitted in the XML Recommendation.

Admit, is it?  Nay, sir, I proclaim it!

An effort was underway at one time to define a truly complete abstraction,
with one ADT for each of the 84 syntactic rules in the XML 1.0 Recommendation.
While I was not opposed to this, my feeling was and remains that this
would be an abstraction that didn't really abstract anything.

He made the Legislature meet at one-horse       John Cowan
tank-towns out in the alfalfa belt, so that     jcowan@reutershealth.com
hardly nobody could get there and most of       http://www.reutershealth.com
the leaders would stay home and let him go      http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
to work and do things as he pleased.    --Mencken, _Declaration of Independence_


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