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   RE: [xml-dev] Future of XSL-FO at W3C??

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I can think of a "normal" way that keeping these FO files make a lot of
sense, esp. for documentation control in the large (although certainly not
for printing one up small documents)

Consider a "document" for a Nortel switch or a Boeing aircraft.  It consists
of a multitude of pieces, each piece under version control, each version
maybe corresponding to an engineering change to some part of the product
(hw/sw).  Typically the "document" is under control of some DB engine that
handles version control and configuration management.

Configuration management shows up for the Nortel switch since the product
sold into North America is not physically/electrically the same as the same
product sold to China (even though functionally it is the same product).
You need to know for version x of the switch sold into China, which version
of which pieces of the "document" get assembled into the documentation for
the specific product delivered. Further, you need to retain this information
over time (and I wouldn't consider it null knowledge). The FO copy of this
info is sort of a locked in copy that can be moved to paper/cdrom at will
without having to reassemble the whole thing again (even though possible ..
may not be as cheap as the cost of storing the FO). So cost reduction might
be an argument for keeping the FO in larger scale environments.  [And I
doubt whether documents of this sort will ever be left around on the

W. Hugh Chatfield  I.S.P.
CyberSpace Industries 2000 Inc.
XML Consulting & Training
See also:  http://www.all-about-perth.com

From: Ian Tindale [mailto:iandeli@clara.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 9:42 AM
To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] Future of XSL-FO at W3C??

On Friday 18 October 2002 2:29 pm, AndrewWatt2000@aol.com wrote:
> It sounds as if you are buying into the "Formatting Objects are Harmful"
> nonsense. Shame on you! :)


That's the reason they should only live as long as it takes to get it out on
paper. If left lying around (and honestly, what possible reason is there for
that to ever occur? They're cheap and easy to make new ones) then you will
have the result that a lot of XML kept in drawers and cupboards will have
been 'crawled' somehow by those future XML semantic 'know everything'
in an attempt to knit the knowledge of the world together and answer it all.
Thus, XSL-FO if persisted will result in a lot of 'null knowledge'.


Ian Tindale

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