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   Re: [xml-dev] Perceived C/B for XML 1.1

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From: "Eric van der Vlist" <vdv@dyomedea.com>

> The adoption rate of  XML 1.1 could be very low.

From what I gather, XML 1.1 is more a medium term project
rather than something expected to sweep through like a new

When Java moves up to Unicode 3.2, XML can be 
ready and waiting for it.  It is not a bad thing if
updated libraries have a year or two to permeate 
things before they get much use. 

I expect that many people will add XML 1.1 import
to their products fairly quickly, just by inheriting it from the
latest versions of parser libraries, but that very few people
will move over to generating XML 1.1 in the immediate future.

I expect any standards-makers or consortia who adopt XML 1.1 early will 
get a lot of flack until most major parsers support it.  For example,
if Microsoft and IBM/Apache parsers support XML 1.1 but
Sun, Oracle and Aeldred don't, then adopting XML 1.1 will be
seen as being anti-competitive. 

Rick Jelliffe


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