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   Re: [xml-dev] Documenting XSLT (Was: Note from the Troll)

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In a message dated 28/10/2002 20:22:23 GMT Standard Time, dareo@microsoft.com writes:

What does a documentation element add to XSLT that XML comments cannot provide?

A documentation element, if properly used, would assist automatically generating documentation using XSLT as can now be done for large SVG or XSD Schema files.

For example, the documentation produced as the result of a transformation could be structured by selecting the <desc> which is a child of the document <svg> element in a particular way, using <desc> elements nested within the <defs> section in another and processing the remainder of the <desc> elements in a separate section. I don't think can be (so conveniently?) done with comments.

Additionally, having a documentation element would assist debugging of XSLT stylesheets. If you use comments heavily for documentation it is more awkward to comment out sections of code since comments don't nest. If a documentation element existed I would expect that the debugging process would be easier.

Andrew Watt


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