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   Re: [xml-dev] bohemians, gentry

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On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 19:11, Jonathan Robie wrote:

> I would still like to see some examples that illustrate the alleged 
> problem, preferably with real code and angle brackets. I need a more 
> concrete understanding of what is actually being said.

Marie and Pierre Curie have worked with Radium until it has been proven
that it was harmful but that was too late for them...

I have a strange feeling that when we'll be able to show real code and
angle brackets to illustrate the alleged problems (which is the same
that I have tried to explain with other metaphors [1]) it will be too
late, especially if too many people have been following on your heels in
the meantime.

Of course, I can't prove it and I may be wrong: I am just trying to
"think" :-) .


[1] http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/06/19/vdv-wxs.html
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