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   RE: [xml-dev] bohemians, gentry

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I am not usually following threads on xml-dev, especially
if there is that much to read, but this one I found especially

A very good point was made by Jeff Lowery : 
> Can the support and transport of datatype information impose 
> a burden in contexts where datatypes are not useful? 
> Of course.

In case where an XML database (or any other XML storing device)
has its data typed and allows XQuery queries to be run upon,
is it recommended to provide a switch to turn type-awareness 
on or off when running queries ? 

If there is any information pertaining to the physical nature 
of the data (indexes, etc.), should this information rather be 
kept seperately from schema information to avoid messing around 
with types when looking for this query-essential information ?

The questions occur to me due to the fact that XQuery's 
strongly typed nature sometimes result in a notably typing 
effort filling up the xquery tree with lots of type annotations
containing the word 'any'.



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