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   Re: [xml-dev] Namespace URI question

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>The use of file: URIs are fraught with so many hassles regarding
>their proper construction and security that it's darned tough to
>justify using them.

I disagree.  It's useful for a program that handles URIs - an XML
parser, for example - to be able to handle local files without
having to special-case them everywhere.  file: URLs provide a
natural way to do that.

>And given that many, if not all, fileservers can make use of webdav
>it'd be just as easy to use http URLs.

Fileserver?  I'm supposed to have a fileserver to access the files
on my local disk?

And if I could access all the files on my computer using http: URLs,
all the security problems would just be moved.  My web browser won't
follow a link from an http: page to a file: page; if I could access
the same files through http: URLs the security would be worse, not

-- Richard


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