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   RE: [xml-dev] problem with #&233; characters and such in URL

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Putting valid IRIs in the XML and converting them to valid URLs in the HTML ought by rights to be OK - if everyone implemented the specs properly!
Michael Kay
-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Reschke [mailto:julian.reschke@gmx.de]
Sent: 21 January 2003 15:46
To: michael.h.kay@ntlworld.com; 'Julian Reschke'; 'Alexander Ipfelkofer'; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: RE: [xml-dev] problem with #&233; characters and such in URL

That's correct -- but it's still better than sending out broken URLs in the first place, right?

<green/>bytes GmbH -- http://www.greenbytes.de -- tel:+492512807760

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kay [mailto:michael.h.kay@ntlworld.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 4:41 PM
To: 'Julian Reschke'; 'Alexander Ipfelkofer'; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: RE: [xml-dev] problem with #&233; characters and such in URL

the main problem here is that you're producing hrefs with URLs that contain invalid characters (URLs do not contain non-ASCII characters). Fix this, and all user agents should start to behave the same.  

But if he fixes it by HH-encoding the non-ASCII characters, he's got to do decide whether to use UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 for the escapes, and he's back where he started. 

 Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael.H.Kay@ntlworld.com
work: Michael.Kay@softwareag.com


<green/>bytes GmbH -- http://www.greenbytes.de -- tel:+492512807760

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Ipfelkofer [mailto:nuwonda@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 1:06 PM
To: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] problem with #&233; characters and such in URL

I am evaulating movie collector software which support xml output. ATM I am toying with Collectorz.com Movie Collector, albeit they don't seem to fully support XMLST, at least no javascript at all afaik.

Anyway, as I said the xml output generates a href links like this:
<a href="/Name?Escand&#243;n,+Jos&#233;">Jos&#233; Escand&#243;n</a>

in IE it will end up like this (notice the decimals are reverted back to ASCII):
which works just fine

in Opera it will end up like this
which will not work. Might be an Opera specific problem? Haven't tested this with Netscape or on other OS platforms.

So I guess to be compatible with all browsers I need to use HEX instead of DECIMAL code sequences for special chars? There must be one simple command to encode the output so that special characters are escaped hexadecimal instead of decimal, no?

If not then I guess I'll have to use IE for now, ergh.




>From: "Rick Jelliffe" <RICKO@ALLETTE.COM.AU>
>Subject: Re: [xml-dev] problem with #&233; characters and such in URL
>Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 22:28:18 +1100
>From: "Alexander Ipfelkofer"
> > The data gets read out of a DB where the names are stored binary (I think)
>Can you tell us the exact products and versions you are using?
>Rick Jelliffe
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