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Joseph Chiusano wrote:
> I know you're very busy and didn't get to this one yet, but Karl Best
> just responded to the list about 45 minutes ago.
Thanks Joseph. I saw read it. I have been trying to lump my e-mail and
browsing activities so I can get good stretches for bread earning
If Karl has 50 OASIS TC to manage, he has no business taking on the
responsibility of answering XML-DEV technical problems. As he mentioned,
XML-DEV is a low priority for OASIS and no revenue to justify investing
resources beyond what is being provided now. Exactly what are we getting
now? A mailing list with technical problems and access to admin via a
message to Karl who is busy as mentioned.
What we need is better software, more reliable hardware, and a small group
of XML-DEV volunteers who will manage the list from within, not from
Don Park