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   Re: [xml-dev] Composite Keys in schema

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are you wanting to
a) define/describe the db schema in W3C XML Schema (WXS)?
or b) map the data to XML and describe that with WXS?

if b) you should consider having a look at a data binding tool such as
Castor, www.castor.org, or have a look at the upcoming (matter of days..)
version of o:XML which includes database extensions:
with either one, you'll be able to produce datasets representing composite
database objects.

if a) then i'm pretty sure there are ER tools that produce schemas in XML
format. ER Studio?



Martin Klang
http://www.o-xml.org - the object-oriented XML programming language

On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Joseph St. Clair wrote:

> I am relatively new to XML but experienced in database design. I am
> designing a database that has a table with a composite key made of 2
> foreign keys from other tables in the db.  I am interested in how to
> represent this relationship in the XSD.
> --
> Best regards,
>  Joseph                          mailto:jstclair@tavayn.com


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