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   Re: [xml-dev] 3 possible approaches for representing concepts

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From: "Uche Ogbuji" <uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com>

> Joe's question is not whether, given a bit of discrete information it should 
> be made into a child element or an attribute, but rather how much semantic 
> information should be packed into generic identifiers: a much tougher question.

Another aspect is the extent to which you can augment items using a DTD
or schema.  You can have your cake and eat it too, Marie Antoinette not

For example, 
<!ATTLIST cybfea
    fullname CDATA #FIXED "CurrentYearBudgetFinalEstimatedAmount"
    type CDATA #FIXED "Amount"
    yearType CDATA #FIXED "CurrentYear" 
    amountType CDATA #FIXED "Budget"
    finalIndicator CDATA #FIXED "Final" 
    estimateIndicator CDATA #FIXED "Estimated"

means that the markup of


implies the infoset of 

<cybfea fullname="CurrentYearBudgetFinalEstimatedAmount"

Another aspect is whether the name is part of a fixed series (or are made from 
every permutation of some fixed set): these are more suited for fielded names. 
(Mentioned at p1-34 in my old XML & SGML Cookbook).  For example, people
probably wouldn't have an element 
<Amount999.99 yearType="CurrentYear" amountType="Budget"
finalIndicator="Final" estimateIndicator="Estimated" />



Rick Jelliffe
Rick Jelliffe


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