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   RE: [xml-dev] XSD validation

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Thanks a lot. I have another requirement. Is there any way, I validate xsd
files programatically?
I mean any standard/non-standard API available for XSD validation?

In fact, my requerement is like this. I have an application to which XSD
files are the input. These xsd files have to be validated and parsed like
anyother XML document. I am trying to construct objects out of the XSD file.

-----Original Message-----
From: ht@cogsci.ed.ac.uk [mailto:ht@cogsci.ed.ac.uk] 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 6:48 PM
To: Simon St.Laurent
Cc: xml-dev
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] XSD validation

"Simon St.Laurent" <simonstl@simonstl.com> writes:

> There's an online schema validator at: 
> http://www.w3.org/2001/03/webdata/xsv
> It's been pretty helpful for me, mostly in confirming that a schema 
> was fine but a processor wasn't.

Thanks for the plug.  It's worth noting that handing a schema document to
XSV will check whether or not it conforms to the schema for schema
documents, but that's _all_ it will check.  If it fails that test, you know
you need to fix something.  However, it may pass that test, and still not
correspond to a conformant schema, because that requires more than just
valid syntax.

A tool which in my opinion does a pretty thorough job of checking schema
documents is IBM's SQC (Schema Quality Checker).  There's a pointer to that,
and lots of other free and not-so-free tools, on the W3C XML Schema home
page [1].


[1] http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema.html#Tools
  Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
                      Half-time member of W3C Team
     2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
	    Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail: ht@cogsci.ed.ac.uk
		     URL: http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/
 [mail really from me _always_ has this .sig -- mail without it is forged

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