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   Re: [xml-dev] Vocabulary Combination

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Arjun Ray wrote:
 > ...
> If this is acceptable, then my question is: What is the decision procedure
> by which a generic parser-level filter could generate these views, if it's
> to take namespaced names as a guide?
> "It can't be done" is an acceptable answer, btw.

There is no global rule about the semantics of embedded namespaces. Any 
rule that handled the book/html case would fall apart in the face of 

That's one of the reasons they were so contraversial all those years 
ago. Nevertheless, they have found widespread use as a trigger for 
specific processors, like XSLT engines. You see them often used to 
introduce a code vs. literal distinction or a "built-in" vs. 
"user-defined" distinction. For instance, if a vocabulary had a 
"CustomProperties" element, it might be defined to allow arbitrary 
attributes but only attributes that are namespace qualified.

  Paul Prescod


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