If a document instance has some XML fragments included or excluded
depending on the level of detail than how can the XSD schema be used to
validate that instance? What type of modeling examples is relevant in
xCBL, XQuery, XML Schema etc. for such XML instances that have
different level of details.
I think semantically this should be possible to validate keeping in mind
the required level of detail of the result set. should each level of detail
result set have its own XSD? That would defeat the purpose of trying
to model the result of the query as the same type of information?
Get me my bank account transaction information such that I see all
checks cleared in past one month.
Get me my account transaction information such that I see all ATM
transactions as well as check cleared in past one month.
Get me my account information such that I see all transactions for
last one year.
All of these are semantically a result set of XML schema based query.
However, each query result ends up including different types of
account information.
How would we ensure that each result set corresponds to same
XSD schema and that each result set can be validated keeping
in mind the specific level of detail for that result set. E.g., if we have
maximum level of detail we do want to do schema validation for all
the required elements expected. For a lower level of detail we do
not want to impose schema validation of a higher level of detail.
should different XSDs be defined for each level of detail or is
there a better XSD schema construct to use?
Any ideas?