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   Re: [xml-dev] Attribute Order (Was: Create XML )

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At 3:05 PM -0400 6/22/03, Simon St.Laurent wrote:

>It's perverse because they've taken an extra step to throw away
>information that is useful in a wide variety of information contexts,
>and have done it at the level of the XML spec - thereby ensuring that
>this information would be lost pretty much across the board.

What contexts? How would having attribute order preserved help you? 
Even in the context of an XML editor I can't say that preserving 
attribute order is all that important. People get upset when editors 
screw with their entities. I don't remember anyone getting too peeved 
because an editor shuffled their attributes.

What would preserving attribute order let you do that you can't do 
now? What concrete use cases can you present for this functionality?

   Elliotte Rusty Harold
   Processing XML with Java (Addison-Wesley, 2002)


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