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   RE: [xml-dev] markup, UI (Re: Attribute Order)

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This depends, I think, on what the markup is to 
be used for, eg, a serialization of a database 
vs a primary vocabulary for a client language. 
I believe that skilled markup design is most 
needed in the latter case because that is one 
where the author is more likely to see the markup. 
Even then, it varies by case given the relative 
importance of validity and scope to the final 
effect. For example, structural validity is 
less important to HTML than to X3D.

When doing server-side database design, 
my experience is that when the skilled markup designer 
is brought in, he or she may see that the legacy 
data base names and structures have flaws and point them 
out while attempting to make the markup design cleaner. 
This complicates the job of the programmer 
responsible for serialization because it is a good 
bet that the database will not be cleaned up.  Fairly 
quickly, the markup design is abandoned or someone 
says, "just XSLT".  One should have both skills 
where possible.  Compromise is essential.

Schema design is even more complicated than that in 
some organizations for similar reasons.  That may 
be one reason it is considered just another form 
of documentation.  It would be interesting to see 
what the real adoption rate of working schemas is, 
that is, as something more than an appendix in a 
design document or the unlooked at part of a 
specification when not a primary client vocabulary.


From: Michael Brennan [mailto:mpbrennan@earthlink.net]

So teams had relatively specialized roles, and we balanced the
teams with people with complimentary skills (ideally).

I think markup design fits in with this. Organizations need to
understand the need for a defined role for the markup designer and treat
it with the same seriousness as most professional organizations have
come to treat data modeling. But I think the focus of certain
influential tools vendors of pushing tools that simply treat XML as a
serialization format for objects is redirecting focus to some extent and
delaying this realization.


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