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   Re: [xml-dev] Web Services Federation Language (WS-Federation)

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Chiusano Joseph wrote:

> "This WS-Federation Specification is an initial public draft release and
> is provided for review and evaluation only. BEA, IBM, Microsoft, RSA
> Security and VeriSign hope to solicit your contributions and suggestions
> in the near future."
> I think the reasoning is that the spec is not yet ripe enough for public
> comments.

Then perhaps it has no business being aired in public (but I doubt 
that's the reason anyway Joe).

> The authors of the Specification intend to submit a revised version of
> the Specification to a standards body with a commitment to grant a
> royalty-free license to their necessary patents.  We need assurance that
> your feedback and discussions are consistent with that goal.
> </Announcement>

That would be good, but it would be better if there was just one. 
There are enough (some, half-baked) reliability specs out there.

> So that is 3 out of (approximately) 18 GSA specifications. My hope is
> that more GXA specifications will follow suit.

Aside from the obvious 'why do we need 18 ws-glob specs?'.. is 
anybody implementing these things?

Bill de hÓra


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