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   Re: An approach to describing the relationships betweenunits-of-measure

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costello@mitre.org@INTERNET@wtgw'(Roger L. Costello):
| To explain the approach I will use this example:
|    <River id="Yangtze">
|         <length>
|             <kilometer>6340</kilometer>
|         </length>
|    </River>
| Recall that <kilometer> may be considered as a function:
|     kilometer(Distance) --> number

I'd say that more usually kilometre is considered a function that maps a number to 
a distance. If you consider the canonical distance to be a metre, you can define:
  (defun kilometre (x) (uom-* 1000 (metre x)))
; where
  (defun uom-* (scalar uom) (list (car uom) (* scalar (cadr uom))))
  (defun metre (x) (distance x))
  (defun distance (x) (list 'distance x))

I don't do MathML, so you'll have to make do with lisp as it's a convenient 
functional language.

I prefer that the kilometre function adds information to a number making it a 
distance, instead of removing information.

<River id="Yangtze">
(defclass River () ((id :initarg :id :accessor :id) (length :initarg :length :
accessor :length))) 
(defmacro River (&rest r) (apply 'make-instance 'River r)) 

(River :id Yangtze :length (kilometre 6340))
  => #<RIVER>

| Likewise, for this version:
|    <River id="Yangtze">
|         <length>
|             <mile>3914</mile>
|         </length>
|    </River>
| mile is a function that maps a Distance to a number:
|     mile(length(Yangtze)) --> 3914
| or more generally:
|     mile(Distance) --> number

     (defun mile (x) (uom-* 5280 (foot x))) 
     (defun foot (x) (uom-* 12 (inch x))) 
     (defun inch (x) (uom-* 0.0254 (metre x)))

; or in prefix notation:
;    mile(number) => 5286 * foot (number) = 63360 * inch (number)
;                 = 1609.35 * metre (number)

 <River id="Yangtze">
(River :id Yangtze :length (mile 3914))
  => #<RIVER>

| "Those instances that represent equivalent Distances are 
| the set of k (kilometer), m (mile) pairs such that k = m * 1.62"

Are the length properties of two rivers the same? 

(setf yang-0 (River :id Yangtze :length (kilometre 6299)))
(setf yang-1 (River :id Yangtze :length (mile 3914)))

(:length yang-0) => (kilometre 6299)
(eval (:length yang-0)) => (DISTANCE 6299000)

; equivalent-uom-value tests the evaluated form of two lists 
; and compares the numeric values in the second member each the 
; list, using the second member of the tolerance list as a absolute
; tolerance if present. If the dimensions of the values are not
; equal it will return false.
(defun equivalent-uom-value (x y &optional &key (tolerance nil))
  (let ((x (eval x)) (y (eval y)) (tolerance (eval tolerance)))
     (if (and tolerance (numberp (cadr x)) (numberp (cadr y)))
        (and (> (+ (cadr x) (cadr tolerance)) (cadr y) (- (cadr x) (cadr 
          (equal (car x) (car y))
          (equal (car x) (car tolerance)))
        (equal x y))))

(equivalent-uom-value (:length yang-0) (:length yang-1))
 => NIL

(equivalent-uom-value (:length yang-0) (:length yang-1) :tolerance (metre 30)) 

; degrees and radians
(defun degree (x) (uom-* (/ pi 180) (radian x)))
(defun radian (x) (angle x))
(defun angle (x) (list 'angle x))

(equivalent-uom-value (metre 7) (radian 7)) => NIL

Implicitly an equivalence relation defines a set. 

| For example, (6340 k, 3914 m) represent equivalent Distances.

 (equivalent-uom-value (mile 3914) (kilometre 6340) :tolerance (kilometre 40)) => 
 (equivalent-uom-value (mile 3914) (kilometre 6299) :tolerance (foot 100)) => T 

So I guess that either kilometres are subject to an import duty on entering the USA,
 or your mile isn't a statue mile ;).
| I envision a document containing class definitions (e.g.,
| the Distance class). I envision an API to enable programs to
| programmatically access the class info via the API.

I've done similar to the above, but with functions that convert numbers to 
distances rather than distances to numbers in a several hundred lines of Java, with 
XML data files like:
    length = "2.134"
    length_units = "km"

The syntax of which is mainly due to XMI->Java mapping limitations. 

| This API may have a method such as this:
|      boolean isContainedIn((uom1_value, uom2_value), set);
| The method, isContainedIn, has two arguments. The first argument 
| contains a pair of unit-of-measure values, and the second argument 
| is a set definition.  The result is a boolean.

What would be the truth table of this method? If the set is the set of equivalent 
uom_values, then it's infinite and exposing it as the api has no more functionality 
than exposing the function equivalent-uom-value.

| <Class id="Distance">
|     <equivalentInstances>
|         {k, m | k = m * 1.62}expressed as MathML
|         {k, m | k = m * 1.62}expressed as Mathematica
|         {k, m | k = m * 1.62}expressed as xPath(???)
|     </equivalentInstances>
| </Class>

Do you really want to define units^2*representations functions, or wouldn't it be 
better to define one function for each units (in whatever representation) that 
generates a canonical form for the equivalence realtion?
| Do you have suggestions on how to represent tolerance?

- fixed, as a uom-value, eg  the example I gave above
- relative to one of the input values
| Here is the completed Location class:
| <Class id="Location>
|     <equivalentInstances>
|         {c, p | c.x.kilometer = p.r.kilometer sin p.theta.radian ^ 
|                      c.y.kilometer = p.r.kilometer cos p.theta.radian}
|     </equivalentInstances>
| </Class>
| Note: I am not convinced that this is the best way to express the set.
| Do you have any suggestions?

I'd call it coordianate-2d or something; a general location needs 3D [+ time stamp] 
[+ tolerance/confidence], a co-ordinate system and possibly a reference point (eg: 
lat/long/alititude the reference point is implied but inertial systems 
distance-north/distance-east/distance-down the reference point is also required)

Unfortunately, there isn't a single canonical form for equivalence:
 if p0 is a cartesian point with a tolerance t0 of +/- x metres in any direction 
 and p1 a polar point with a tolerance t1 of +/- y degrees and +/- z range
  (equivalent-location (to-polar p0) p1 t1)
  (equivalent-location p0 (to-cartesian p1) t0) 
 though it should be the case, subject to rounding errors, that
  (equivalent-uom-value (distance-between (to-polar p0) p1) (metre 0) :tolerance 
(metre some-tolerance)) 
  (equivalent-uom-value (distance-between p0 (to-cartesian p1)) (metre 0) :
tolerance (metre some-tolerance)) 

| Recall the API that was mentioned above:
|     boolean isContainedIn((uom1_value, uom2_value), set, tolerance);
| Recall that "tolerance" is used to indicate how much slack you 
| are willing to accept in deciding if a pair of values are contained 
| in the set.  In this Map example the tolerance is effectively a 
| way of indicating "I want all values within this region".  When 
| you tighten the tolerance, you narrow the region.  When you loosen 
| the tolerance, you widen the region. I think this will be very useful.
In this case tolerance then would consist of a function to covert uom1_value and 
uom2_value to a common form, a function to compute the difference in some form, and 
a value that the difference value have to be less than.

For the length case, the common form is the canonical form SI metres; for the 
location case different tolerances (cartesian-tolerance, polar-tolerance, 
distance-tolerance) would require different common forms and difference 
  (equivalent-location p0 p1 (polar-tolerance :theta (degrees 10) :r (kilometres 
would test if p0 and p1 have bearings within ten degrees of each other and ranges 
within 50km of each other from an implied origin
  (equivalent-location p0 p1 (distance-tolerance (foot 10)))
would test if p0 and p1 are within 10 feet of each other

As a quick-hacK:
; super class for 2d coordianate. serves no real purpose 
(defclass coordianate-2d () ())
; cartesian location and constructor method
(defclass cartesian-coordinate (coordianate-2d) ((x :initarg :x) (y :initarg :y)))
(defun cartesian-coordinate (&key x y) (make-instance 'cartesian-coordinate :x x :y 

; polar location and constructor method
(defclass polar-coordinate (coordianate-2d) ((r :initarg :r) (theta :initarg :
(defun polar-coordinate (&key theta r) (make-instance 'polar-coordinate :theta 
theta :r r))

;<Map id="M21">
;    <location>
;        <polar-coordinate>
;            <r>
;                <kilometer>141.421</kilometer>
;            </r>
;            <theta>
;                <radian>0.7841</radian>
;            </theta>
;        </polar-coordinate>
;    </location>

(defclass Map () ((location :initarg :location :accessor :location)))
(defmacro Map- (&rest r) (apply 'make-instance 'Map r)) 

(setf m (Map- :location (polar-coordinate :r (kilometer 141.421) :theta (radian 0.
7841)))) => #<Map?>

(:location m) => (POLAR-COORDINATE :R (KILOMETER 141.421) :THETA (RADIAN 0.7841))

(defmethod to-cartesian ((pt cartesian-coordinate)) pt)
(defmethod to-cartesian ((pt polar-coordinate)) 
    ( (r (eval (:r pt))) 
      (theta (eval (:theta pt))))
    (if (and (eql 'distance (car r)) (eql 'angle (car theta)))
      (make-instance 'cartesian-coordinate 
        :x (distance (* (cadr r) (cos (cadr theta)))) 
        :y (distance (* (cadr r) (sin (cadr theta))))))))

(defmethod to-polar ((pt cartesian-coordinate)) 
    ( (x (eval (:x pt)))
      (y (eval (:y pt))))
    (if (and (eql 'distance (car x)) (eql 'distance (car y)))
      (make-instance 'polar-coordinate 
        :r (distance (sqrt (+ (* (cadr x) (cadr x)) (* (cadr y) (cadr y))))) 
        :theta (angle (atan2 (cadr x) (cadr y)))))))
(defmethod to-polar ((x polar-coordinate)) x) 

; haven't bothered with checking type of x and y 
(defun distance-between (p0 p1) (let ((p0 (to-cartesian p0)) (p1 (to-cartesian 
  ( (dx (- (cadr (:x p0)) (cadr (:x p1))))
    (dy (- (cadr (:y p0)) (cadr (:y p1)))))
  (distance (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))))

; create a comparison with based on an absolute tolerance
(defun distance-tolerance (tolerance)
  (lambda (p0 p1) 
    (equivalent-uom-value (distance-between p0 p1) (distance 0) :tolerance 

; do something similar for polar-tolerance- creates an appropriate comparitor 
; by converting p0 and p1 to polar and taking the difference 
; (defun polar-tolerance (&key r-tolerance theta-tolerance) ...

; the equivalence function for locations
(defun equivalent-location (p1 p2 &optional &key (tolerance (distance-tolerance 
(metre 1))))
  (funcall tolerance p1 p2))
; default tolerance is 1 metre

; it's quite contagious

(setf p0 (polar-coordinate :theta '(degree 90) :r '(metre 1609)))
(setf p1 (cartesian-coordinate :x (mile 0) :y (mile 1)))
(equivalent-location p0 p1) => T
(equivalent-location p0 p1 :tolerance (distance-tolerance (metre 10)))  => T
(equivalent-location p0 p1 :tolerance (distance-tolerance (metre 0.01)))  => NIL

(setf p2 (cartesian-coordinate :x (mile 20) :y (mile 0)))

(equivalent-location p0 p2) => NIL
(equivalent-location p0 p2 :tolerance (distance-tolerance (kilometre 40))) => T

; but comparing two values with tolerances isn't a strict equivalence relation
; as it's not always transitive
(setf p0 (cartesian-coordinate :x (metre 1.1) :y (metre 0)))
(setf p1 (cartesian-coordinate :x (metre 2) :y (metre 0)))
(setf p2 (cartesian-coordinate :x (metre 2.9) :y (metre 0)))

(equivalent-location p0 p1) => T
(equivalent-location p1 p2) => T
(equivalent-location p0 p2) => NIL

I'd guess there's similar constructs in the languages you're using.


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