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   XML Attributes versus .NET Attributes

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To the list:

I'm not in the same 'guru class' as the members of this list, but I'm hoping
that some members will help confirm a question I have in Microsoft .NET.

It seems to me that 'attributes' in .NET are not always valid XML
'attributes'. As an example, consider this quote taken from a MSDN article


An extender provider uses attributes to tell Visual Studio .NET what
properties it is providing to supported controls. To include these
attributes, place the following code immediately above the line that says
Public Class MSDNTextboxValidator:

<ProvideProperty("DataType", GetType(Control)), _
     ProvideProperty("DisplayName", GetType(Control)), _
     ProvideProperty("MinValue", GetType(Control)), _
     ProvideProperty("MaxValue", GetType(Control)), _
     ProvideProperty("Required", GetType(Control)), _
     ProvideProperty("RegularExpression", GetType(Control))>


Can someone from the list confirm or explain this for me?


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