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   Re: [xml-dev] OT? - Fuzzy logic and paradoxes

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Didier PH Martin wrote:

> Hi Mike and Thomas,
> Another interesting area of interest for concept clustering and
> categorization is about using agents to mimic human behavior, for instance
> mimicking role playing as proposed by Len. It is actually used with some
> success in simulating stock market behavior. Here is link about the topic
> (also in the economist)
> http://www.economist.co.uk/printedition/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=2121720&CF
> ID=16647380&CFTOKEN=1f5d53f-63b5424b-610f-4d95-b971-3a2e8489f517

Thanks, Didier, that is a very interesting article.
Agents are also being used for scheduling in factories, although that is
not exactly
modeling people's behavior.


Tom P


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