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   Re: [xml-dev] Alternative "character entity" proposal

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>Is scoping really necessary?

Yes, it's the main reason that the existing DTD mechanism is

For example, it should be possible to insert some HTML - using the
HTML entities - into a existing document without having to change that
document.  MathML is another obvious example.

[If you don't worry about name conflicts, or use some namespace
mechanism to disambiguate, then you could say that the problem is not
so much scoping as the need to be able to introduce the definitions at
any point.]

>That seems like "value add" above what 
>internal entities now provide

Exactly.  If it *only* replicated DTD-declared entities, it wouldn't
be worth the effort.

>Rather than have a new reserved name, perhaps xmlent="...." names a set 
>of resources that define xmlent:xxx mappings?  Again, external files 
>will cause issues for anyone shipping XML files to a remote processor.

I should have mentioned that I'm assuming that browsers would
recognise the URLs of entity sets for the languages they support, just
as (I assume) they do for the HTML DTD.

Also, preprocessors could expand the entities and remove the reference
to the entity set, to produce "standalone" documents.

-- Richard


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