After more examination of XUL, XAML and more recently of
Laszlo It appears that XUL is not closely related to XAML, in fact, both
systems are far from being close. I would say though that XAML is closer to
Laszlo than to XUL.
These two systems even if close in terms of visual
capabilities are different in terms of code packaging:
XAML requires a .net environment to
be installed on the client but do not necessarily requires anything on the
server side.
Laszlo requires an interpreter on
the server side and the flash plug-in to be installed on the client. Millions
of clients already have a flash interpreter installed on the client.
It seems that compared to W3C DOM model + HTML, Laszlo has
the advantage to run the code in both Netscape/Mozilla
and Internet Explorer environments without any modifications. This is not the
case with “standard based” document designed in accordance with W3C
A similar environment to Laszlo could also be developed in
SVG using, for instance an SVG plug-in but there are no higher level declarative
languages available. SVG itself is too low level to be an economical
declarative language. I have not seen yet any environments resembling Laszlo in
terms of functionalities on top of SVG. Does anyone know about any environment
offering a declarative language on top of SVG?
Didier PH Martin