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   Re: [xml-dev] RE : [xml-dev] Comparison of Xml documents

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On another point, you have said a couple of times that ASN.1 doesn't 
provide anything like XSD's 'all'.

 > So, although ASN.1 lacks, per se, an equivalent of the WXS "all" model
 > group...

Why do you say that? Is it just a matter of notation? 'all' isn't 
anything but a variable-order sequence with possibly optional elements. 
Is it that the ASN.1 corollaries don't allow optional elements?

I can see why ASN.1 might not offer the equivalent of RELAX NG's shuffle 
(which it calls interleave) or SGML's variable-order sequence with 
optional and repeating elements (which it calls interleave), but not 
little old 'all'.

Bob Foster


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