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   Re: [xml-dev] W3C Web Services Architecture

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On Feb 12, 2004, at 6:48 PM, Chiusano Joseph wrote:

> Should this be interpreted as: The W3C Web Services Architecture
> specification will not advance beyond its current state, and should be
> viewed as a final, final version?
It indicates that the W3C did not, for a variety of reasons both good 
and bad, see fit to renew the charter of the WSA WG.  I generally (as 
chair) concurred with this FWIW, not because more work doesn't  need to 
be done, but because the original charter made unrealistic assumptions 
about the role the W3C plays in the Web services industry.  The W3C 
Advisory Committee is considering what, if anything, to suggest the W3C 
do in this space in the future.

Thus, the Note is the wrapup of the work of the original WSA WG.  I'm 
actually pretty happy with it -- not having to meet the exhausting 
requirements for a Recommendation and not having the gorillas fighting 
it out in the WG was somewhat liberating.  It tries more to state what 
we learned from the process than to proclaim ex cathedra what the W3C 
Recommends about things that are beyond current human comprehension. 


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