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   SAX for .NET: beta 0.95 released

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** New in release 0.95:

- Changed namespace root from System.Xml to Org.System.Xml.
- Minor fixes and documentation improvements.
- Added a demo application.

The namespace change is based on discussions held on the
xml-dev mailing list.

The demo will likely work on Windows only, as Windows.Forms
is not 100% supported on Mono yet.

** Also released: SAXExpat 0.9 (beta):

This is a SAX.NET wrapper for the Expat parser.
Now one can finally put the SAX.NET API to practical use.

Implements/supports SAX2 core and extensions, including
ILexicalHandler, IDeclHandler, IAttributes2, ILocator2
and IEntityResolver2. One major limitation: no validation.

Has the (unique, I believe) feature of incremental parsing,
exposed through the IXMLReaderControl interface.

Both releases are available at:
Available at: http://sf.net/projects/saxdotnet



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