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   RE: [xml-dev] Browser innovation efforts -- where's W3C in this p icture

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Interesting.  Tim Bray makes note of the numbers that 
show blogging following the original curve of web 
page proliferation which by the way, is the curve 
of any new thing that becomes popular.   I wonder 
if blogs follow the same curve of quality and 

That same curve shows up if you point a microphone 
straight at the speakers of the amplifier to which 
they are connected.  The quality of the signal produced 
is up for debate.  If full potential means a screeching 
howl, you are both right.  And if you like heavy metal, 
it may be alright too, or it may be time to "send in 
the clowns".  It's a populist medium with populist potential.


From: Michael Champion [mailto:mc@xegesis.org]
On Jul 8, 2004, at 9:33 AM, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
> And where is the W3C in this picture?

Leading the web to its full potential, and letting the clowns follow 
along to sweep up after the elephants :-)


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