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   Re: [xml-dev] Ted Nelson's "XML is Evil"

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bang bang, fired at you by one of the  professional archivists on the 
XML-DEV roster.

Michael Kay wrote:

>No-one has shot you yet, so we obviously don't have any professional
>archivists on the list.
>Michael Kay
From the desk of James [Jim] E. Landrum III
Archaeology Materials and Database Manager, 
Archaeology Technologies Laboratory (ATL),
North Dakota State University (NDSU).
Ph. 701-231-7115  FAX: 701-231-1047
Email: james.landrum@ndsu.nodak.edu
ATL Web Site: http://atl.ndsu.edu
Digital Archive Network for Anthropology and World Heritage (DANA-WH)
DANA-WH Web Site: http://www.dana-wh.net


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