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   Re: [xml-dev] JAXP 1.3 for Java 1.4?

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Michael Kay wrote:

> It's not quite so easy. One of the new methods in DOM3 is
> getSchemaTypeInfo(), which returns an object of type TypeInfo, and TypeInfo
> is an interface that's not available in JDK 1.4. So to produce an
> implementation that compiles under JDK 1.5, I need to declare a method that
> returns a TypeInfo, and this method won't compile under JDK 1.4 because
> TypeInfo is not present. Currently, I don't see a way around this. It might
> be possible to get round it by issuing dummy versions of the JDK 1.5
> interfaces, but it's certainly very fiddly.

That is a little more complicated, but I'm still not sure it's 
insurmountable. They don't have to be dummy versions. Saxon could supply 
the genuine TypeInfo interface from the W3C. This would work in java 1.4 
without any trouble. Does Java 1.5 get upset if third part code tries to 
supply org.w3c.dom interfaces of its own? Or does it just ignore that 
and load the ones it find in the bootclasspath?



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