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It's been a while since I posted here, but hopefully some of you will be
interesting in speaking or giving tutorials at OSCON 2005, to be held in
Portland, Oregon, USA from August 1st-5th. (Yes, to my grave dismay,
that overlaps the Extreme Markup Conference in Montreal quite
I've included the generic call for papers, which talks a bit about some
XML and Apache XML things we'd like to hear about, but I'd like to
suggest some general trends:
* OSCON has focused more on Open Source than Open Data historically, so
talks aimed directly at programmers are likely the most effective here.
* That said, I'd like to see some talks which look at how Open Source
and open XML-based data formats can reinforce each other. It feels to
me like XML has brought with it many more opportunities to blur the
open/proprietary line.
* XSLT seems to remain mysterious to a lot of programmers, and it would
be good to see talks which focus on integrating XSLT with other (Perl,
PHP, Java, etc.) processing.
* Half-day quickstart tutorials which give programmers what they need to
get started with various XML technologies in a compressed time frame
would be appreciated.
We'll be taking proposals until February 13th, midnight PST.
(If anyone's curious where I've been putting the energy I used to put
into xml-dev postings, visit <http://livingindryden.org/>. I'm also
working on various GPS and GIS projects, but they aren't far enough
along to make good conversation yet.)
OSCON 2005: Call for Papers
The world is changing. As open source software rewrites the rule book
for software development, developers and businesses must adjust to new
business models and new architectures. At O'Reilly we believe the
changes come from three deep trends:
* The commoditization of software and the opportunities it brings.
For example, Google was made possible by the free Linux operating
system; SpikeSource hopes to be the Dell of open source by
distinguishing itself through customization and quality assurance.
* Network-enabled collaboration, either through systems like
Rendezvous that let user applications interact directly with one
another, or via systems like Amazon and eBay where a large part of the
value of the service is the data provided by other users (reviews,
listings, recommendations, ratings, wishlists, etc.)
* Software customizability, including software as a service. Because
software is no longer a packaged product, but often delivered through
services like Amazon, Google, and Yahoo, it evolves quicker and new
features are added at a blinding rate.
At OSCON 2005 we'd like to explore all these trends through tutorials,
workshops, and talks on new open source technology. How are open
source software commodities like Linux changing the healthcare
industry? What app have you written that builds on your users' shared
data, whether it's file-sharing, desktop search, or something for your
intranet? How are you rethinking your application's architecture to
better use the network? What libraries in your language make this
possible? What management problems have you found and how did you
solve them?
Of course, we still want to show exciting and new things. If you have
a talk on a new feature, an under-appreciated library, or a powerful
distribution then by all means submit it. These will be part and
parcel of the next revolution in computing, whatever form it may take.
We're interested in all aspects of building applications, services, and
systems that use the new capabilities of the open source platform.
OSCON attracts developers, systems and network administrators, and
their managers. Attendees have a wide range of experience, so be sure
to target a particular level of experience: beginner, intermediate,
advanced. Talks and tutorials should be technical, either focusing on
code or giving practical architectural advice. Strictly no marketing
Session presentations are 45 or 90 minutes long, and tutorials are
either a half-day (3 hours) or a full day (6 hours).
There will be many tracks and conferences running in parallel at the
Linux and other Open Source Operating Systems
* Management, security, administration, configuration,
* Desktop, server farm, back office, personal productivity tools,
* Java 5 (Tiger), J2EE, J2ME
* Application servers, Spring, Hibernate, Groovy, Eclipse
PHP Conference 5
* Unix, Windows, Apache, and beyond
* PHP 5: migration, new developments, security, case studies,
large-scale applications development, best practices
The Python 13 Conference
* Python and Zope
* Using the latest modules, software engineering, case studies
Perl Conference 9
* Perl 5, Perl 6, Parrot, mod_perl 1 and 2
* Useful modules, software development tips, developing for Parrot
and Perl 6
Databases, including MySQL and PostgreSQL
* Configuration, migration, data warehousing, tuning
* Clustering and replication, fallover, backups
* Efficient client-side processing and query design
Apache httpd, Java, and XML projects
* Apache web server: 2.0, modules, configuration, performance
tuning, security
* Apache XML projects: Xerces, Xalan, Cocoon, FOP, SOAP, XML-RPC,
XML Security
* Apache and Open Source Java projects: Jakarta, Jserv, Avalon,
* XML Schemas, Transformations, Software, Services, and Standards
* New standards, best practices, web services, IP issues around
standards and schemas
* System administration tools, servers, back office utilities
* GUI systems, user applications, productivity tools
* Introductions to aspects of Ruby for people unfamiliar with the
* Power user talks for experienced Ruby programmers
* Essential techniques for system administrators and programmers
* Open source security tools such as Nmap, Snort, Nessus, etc.
Submitting Proposals
Keep in mind that proposals need not be works of art. A quick summary
or abstract of the talk you plan to give is sufficient for
consideration. We prefer outlines for tutorials. The proposal is what
the conference committees uses to select speakers, so give enough
information that the committee can tell what you'll be covering. As the
conference approaches, we may request additional information about your
proposal as necessary.
NOTE: All presenters whose talks are accepted (excluding Lightning
Talks) will receive free registration at the conference. For each
half-day tutorial, the presenter receives one night's accommodation, a
limited travel allowance, and an honorarium. We give tutors and
speakers registration to the convention, and tutors are eligible for a
travel allowance: up to US$300 from the west coast of the USA, up to
US$500 from the east coast of the USA, up to US$800 from outside the
Registration will open April 2005. If you would like an email
notification when registration opens, please use the form on our main
The deadline to submit a proposal is Midnight (PST), February 13.
Important Dates
* Proposals Due: Midnight (PST) February 13, 2005
* Speaker Notification: March 7, 2005
* Tutorial Presentation Files Due: June 20, 2005
* Session Presentation Files Due: July 4, 2005