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   RE: [xml-dev] Microsoft Patents Serializing Objects To XML And Sending T

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Which simply means that for the good of the community and 
protection against predatory acts:

o  Open source with clearly documented antecedents is 
the best practice because of transparency, auditability, 
and traceability.

o  Software source management tools should be used as 
evidence in patent cases to reduce the costs of litigation.

While most here understand the dangers of software patents, 
their pecuniary advantages both offensively and defensively, 
the best course forward is to change the global systems toward 
registration systems bound contractually and by data inspection 
to the source management systems.  This won't fix current 
cases but is a better game going forward for all rational parties.

Some are overfocused on the USPTO because it makes them  
feel good and because you believe it unassailable so 
we/they/you are relieved of action.  The best course is one 
that protects both innovation and community globally by 
formalizing the processes and reducing the costs.


From: Alan Gutierrez [mailto:alan-xml-dev@engrm.com]

    Again, I know that people here have a grip on the threat, but I
    thought I'd point out that just because it's obvious, doens't
    mean you can't go bankrupt illustrating the obvious. That the
    risk is real, and it imposes real costs on doing business. 


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