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   Re: [xml-dev] XSL for non-XML input (Was: Re: [xml-dev] XML Hangover)

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On 7/13/05, Pete Cordell <petexmldev@tech-know-ware.com> wrote:

> Does that imply that XSL could be used on any hierarchical text based data
> input with a suitable front end that can extract events that mirror XML's
> elements and attributes etc?

See the Apache Cocoon project for a plethora of SAX generators that
gobble up various file formats to drive transforms and finally
serialization.  At no point does any actual serialized "XML"
necessarily exist,  just a SAX event stream. (And note the data
doesn't have to be hierarchical). Examples include MP3 or graphics
"generators" that walk file directories and output lists of files
including the relevant internal tagging metadata.

> Going further, observing the idea of using out of band data (e.g. schema) to
> provide extra information to complete 'binary XML', could XSL (with suitable
> front ends) work on say an ASN.1 encoded X.509 certificate (and ASN.1
> message definition) and produce, say, a PDF output?

Search the xml-dev archives for discussions on how to do exactly that...

Peter Hunsberger


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