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   [podcast] Bourret, Florescu, Kay, Robie, Rys discuss XQuery, native XML

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  • To: <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
  • Subject: [podcast] Bourret, Florescu, Kay, Robie, Rys discuss XQuery, native XML databases, SQL/XML databases
  • From: "Ken North" <kennorth@sbcglobal.net>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 22:02:11 -0700

WebServicesSummit.com has released two podcasts of a panel discussion with Ron
Bourret, Dana Florescu, Michael Kay, Jonathan Robie and Michael Rys. The
discussion topics include XQuery, native XML databases, SQL/XML databases, XSLT
and related topics.

The part 1 podcast (MP3 audio) focuses primarily on XQuery (running time:
34:03). The part 2 podcast covers native XML databases and XML-enabled SQL
databases. Running time is 22:46.

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