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   RE: [xml-dev] Amazon Patent Filing on Web Services Marketplace

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bullard, Claude L (Len) [mailto:len.bullard@intergraph.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 3:33 PM
> To: 'Ken North'; xml-dev@lists.xml.org
> Subject: RE: [xml-dev] Amazon Patent Filing on Web Services 
> Marketplace
> Steve Newcomb made an astute observation many years ago as 
> the www was first being touted.  He said that at some point, 
> owners of nodes that began to notice that their machines were 
> using a lot of cycles moving other people's messages from 
> place to place would charge for the passthrough.

I wonder if Steve thought about patenting that idea...I'll have to ask
him next time I see him.


Joseph Chiusano
Booz Allen Hamilton
O: 703-902-6923
C: 202-251-0731
Visit us online@ http://www.boozallen.com
> Metered Internet nodes: that will bring the revolution to a 
> screaming halt.  Or the big guys will give up these patents. 
> len
> From: Ken North [mailto:kennorth@sbcglobal.net]
> While doing some research, I found two interesting patent 
> applications that surfaced last week.
> One is Amazon's. It sees a potential profit from acting as a 
> broker for web services.
> The other is by Google. Its patent application concerns RSS 
> feeds: searching for them and using content-matching 
> techniques to insert ads in RSS streams.
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